No Phone II

No Phone Day 1: I built this website. I'm not looking for a high-five, building a simple site like this is cake. But not being distracted while I did it allowed me to power through and truly enjoy the process. I finished in an afternoon and we even had company at my place while I did it.

No Phone Day 2: My boyfriend left his phone in our cab home Saturday night and not having my phone made dealing with that pretty challenging. But we did, and he picked it up the next day.

No Phone Day 3: I didn't find that I was more or less productive at work. I (mostly) only use my phone for work social (I manage our social media) or texting/calling about work related stuff while I'm there, so once I let everyone know my phone is out of commission, we communicated via email or the work phone. Also, during my meetings, I wasn't constantly distracted by pop-up notifications about new emails and texts, so I was able to be much more present. 

Came home, made dinner, folded laundry (my delightful boyfriend [let's call him Ryan] had already washed everything), made some homemade snacks for the week, and got some personal work done. I'd call tonight a win.

One downfall, my mother let me know via facebook that she'll be joining me, my boyfriend, and his entire family (they'll be meeting for the first time - eek!) in Lake Placid in two weeks. So, I felt bad that I wasn't able to call her. But, once Ryan got home, I used his phone to facetime with her.

So far so good!